Dog Food Toppers - The answer for picky pets?

Dog food toppers: the answer for picky pets?

7 in 10 dog owners say their pet is a pickier eater than their children. Are dog food toppers the answer?

Functional pet food ingredients

Functional pet food ingredients on the rise

Functional pet food ingredients boost general health or address specific concerns, such as weight management, digestion and immune strength.

Alternative proteins for pet food development

Alternative proteins for pet food development

Many are reducing their meat intake – and that of their pets too. Alternative proteins for pet food development need to be on the menu.

CBD in pet food

CBD in pet food: what you need to know

Increasingly used by humans, CBD is also administered by some pet owners. But what are the potential benefits of CBD in pet food?

What is human-grade pet food?

Human grade pet food: what is it and is it here to stay?

Human-grade pet food is a significant trend. In this blog we look at what it means for pet product developers and brands.

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